Monday, October 22, 2007

Another Hiatus

It's taking longer than I expected to get going on the plane. Currently, it's entirely disassembled and sitting in boxes in San Antonio. I'm in Corning, California taking the Rainbow Aviation LSA maintenance repairman course. Since I already have all the parts I need to finish. I should have the plane together in no time when I get back to Texas in three weeks.

I'm a little jet lagged tonight, but I think I'll be back to normal by tomorrow. There are about 15 of us in the course, and so far it seems like everyone is pretty cool. I think my experience in San Antonio puts me somewhere in the middle in terms of prior knowledge about the course material. That is, I think I know more than most about the regulations and certification stuff, but in the shop I'm a little behind. I spent about 20 minutes today trying to identify a particular sheet metal nut. I spent another 10 minutes putting safety wire on two prop bolts. But I've got a lot of books that will help out if I can manage to study a little when I'm not at the airport.

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